Frequently Asked Questions



THE PEOPLE’S BRANCH (TPB) is our proposed branch of government, but is not a government body, yet.

TPB is a concept at this point. TPB is a conceptual gift to the American People, acceptable once awakened, willing and able to stand up and help take back our USA.

TPB will be instituted by our proposed “USA Constitution” when ratified.

TPB will be just what its title implies: “Our Branch of Government”! WE THE PEOPLE of the United States of America (“WTP-USA”) will consent to specific enumerated powers in our USA Constitution and will be able to easily withdraw consent if offices or officials exceed said powers.

TPB will be superior to the other three branches of our new “USA Government.” Among its many duties, TPB will oversee constitutional compliance and will ensure checks and balances not only between branches but also within TPB itself.

TPB will never have a ‘Deep State,’ will never allow waste or fraud or abuse, will never go into debt, will always operate within its means, and will always serve WTP-USA.

Will the “USA Constitution” replace the ‘US’ Constitution?

Yes! Our new USA Constitution will replace the usurped ‘US’ Constitution—which was surreptitiously taken over by the ‘New World Order’ many years ago—but retains all the great features of the original and makes it even better!

For one example, check out our new “Bill of Fundamental Rights” (see Article I, Section H), which replaces the old ‘Bill of Rights’—Amendments 1-10 attached to our old constitution—adds ten more fundamental rights, and is written right into our new USA Constitution and forever sets our fundamental rights in stone for all future generations!

The ‘New World Order’ “usurped” our original Constitution?

Yes, way back during the Civil War in the 1860s. And as you can probably tell, the NWO and its ‘Deep State’ do not follow our federal or state Constitutions at all—in fact, they do not even follow their gigantic ‘legal system’ anymore—and are hellbent these days to complete their overthrow of our USA.

So our “USA Constitution” and “THE PEOPLE’S BRANCH” are the answer?

Yes! Our new USA Constitution will take down the ‘New World Order’ and its ‘Deep State’ and take back our USA in one fell swoop, and TPB will bring the traitors to justice with our new USA Grand Juries and USA Courts and oversee our consensual governance.

See TPB’s “Mock Docs” to get the gist of how this will be done.

What can I do?

Buy the 1st Draft of our proposed USA Constitution and get behind THE PEOPLE’S BRANCH in every way you can as announced on TPB’s website (soon).

Start by spreading the word. Tell your loved ones, neighbors and friends. Learn the truth about the ‘New World Order’ and its ‘Deep State,’ about limited government and self-governance, about our refound freedoms, and so on, and teach others.

Share our links and upcoming content, memes, public service announcements, press releases, and other coming publications.

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USA Founding Patriots

Who is founding THE PEOPLE’S BRANCH?

The “USA Founding Patriots” (USA-FPs) are setting the cornerstone of THE PEOPLE’S BRANCH (TPB) prior to launch in 2025.

The USA-FPs are a growing association of patriotic Americans who are tired of the treasonous sabotage of our USA by the ‘New World Order’ and its ‘Deep State’ and who are banding together to take them on, take them down, and purge them from our USA, which will only be possible via TPB and with the support of millions of TPB Volunteers [link].

Is this one of those ‘Conspiracy Theory’ groups?

No. We are not conspiracy theorists; we are conspiracy realists.

We know about the centuries-old conspiracies by the ‘global elite’ to stealthily conquer and consolidate all countries—including ours—into their global government, and enslave all humanity—including us—under their totalitarian control.

And we—the “Founding Patriots” of our new United States of America (USA-FPs)—are conspiring to stop our enemies, both foreign and domestic, and bring them to justice.

The label has been used by the NWO and its American Deep State for decades to divert your attention away from their treason and onto their victims who blow-the-whistle.

‘Conspiracy theory’ is just one of many kinds of propaganda to divert you from truth.

Who are our enemies?

Our foreign enemies call their cartel the ‘New World Order’ and our domestic enemies are the communists, Marxists, fascists and other anti-American traitors, collectively known as the ‘Deep State,’ indoctrinated and/or infiltrated into nearly every government office by the NWO to carry out its traitorous attempted overthrow of our USA.

What makes the ‘New World Order’ and their ‘Deep State’ our enemies?

Their constant warmongering, ‘COVID-19’ virus and vaccine bio-attacks, border invasion, election rigging, legislation rigging, 9/11, Roe v. Wade, decades of “case fixing” and “governmental racketeering,” to name a few of their thousands of attacks and acts of incremental treason since the original founding of our USA.

One of their missions is to divide us. Don’t be fooled by their inversions of truth: ‘ANTIFA’ is not anti-fascism—it is the epitome of fascism; ‘Black Lives Matter,’ but only for political gain; most accusations of ‘racism’ are spewed by true racists; and so on.

And their ‘Mainstream [fake news] Media’ and ‘Social [control] Media’ constantly aid the traitors by flooding the airwaves with their divisive propaganda.

Will there be a revolution?

Yes. But our 2nd revolution will be fought without violence, with pen and paper (and computers and keystrokes of course), starting with our USA Constitution. Violence is NEVER necessary; all we need are our heads and hard-drives!

Our USA Constitution is already written?

The 1st Draft of our USA Constitution has been written and is proposed for consideration by the American People. If accepted as a viable solution to our USA Nation’s current crises, WE THE PEOPLE of the United States of America (“WTP-USA”) will finalize and ratify our USA Constitution, which will establish TPB and give it power to act.

What exactly is being proposed?

The USA-FPs are proposing that WTP-USA follow the advice of our original founders in their Declaration of Independence, ‘throw off’ the Deep State’s ‘government’ and ‘institute new government,’ all of which, and much more, will be done by our USA Constitution.

Read the details in our “Re-Declaration of Independence.”

Why do I have to buy the drafts of the proposed USA Constitution?

You don’t. Most of it will be online for all to read, worldwide. We are selling the drafts to raise funds so we can take on our rich and powerful enemies, both foreign and domestic.

What can I do?

Buy the 1st Draft of our proposed USA Constitution and get behind THE PEOPLE’S BRANCH in every way you can as announced on TPB’s website (soon).

Start by spreading the word. Tell your loved ones, neighbors and friends. Learn the truth about the ‘New World Order’ and its ‘Deep State,’ about limited government and self-governance, about our refound freedoms, and so on, and teach others.

Share our links and upcoming content, memes, public service announcements, press releases, and other coming publications.

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Pro Se Alliance

What is Pro Se Alliance?

Pro Se Alliance (PSA) is a 501(c)(3) Public Charity dedicated to ensuring justice for self-represented (‘pro se’) Americans.

As part of its mission, PSA educates and counsels victims of injustice so they can fight back against the unbelievable tyranny these days in our courts.

PSA will manage the offices of THE PEOPLE’S BRANCH (TPB) and the USA Founding Patriots (USA-FPs) until established.

Is this an anti-government group?

No. To the contrary, we believe that we Americans have the best government ever constituted in the history of mankind. We are pro-constitutional-government, but anti-corrupt-government. We nonviolently exercise our rights to the fullest in and out of court.

PSA is pro-USA, is instrumental in the reclamation and refounding of our USA, and recently became the first nonprofit registered at TPB under our new ‘Laws of the Land.’

What does ‘pro se’ mean?

You act ‘pro se‘ when you represent yourself in a ‘legal’ matter without an attorney.

Is it hard to act ‘pro se’ in a ‘legal’ proceeding?

Yes, it is difficult to act ‘pro se’ these days due to constant semantic deceit in the ‘legal system’ to churn and ‘fix’ justice.

Acting ‘pro se’ will come to an end, though, once our USA Constitution is ratified.

Soon, you will no longer act ‘pro se’ in the Deep State’s ‘courts,’ but instead, when injured, you will resolve most matters “lawfully” by affidavit, with or without a “Common Lawyer” or “Common Law Counselor” who is knowledgeable in our pending USA Constitution and American Common Law.

Who can be a Common Lawyer/Counselor?

Any American! You; a friend; a parent; a mentor; even an ‘attorney’ if qualified.

How will a Common Lawyer/Counselor be qualified?

By simple declaration and notice if self-representing; or by professional licensure from TPB if for hire by the public-at-large.

For example, you will be able to represent yourself, your children, your family, and your business(es) in, say, an injurious event, by simply declaring so and notifying those who injured you and/or yours along with your claims against them.

If you are unknowledgeable, uncomfortable or otherwise unqualified to represent yourself, you can have a learned friend or other counselor draft your paperwork, present your claims, and even represent you in court if not resolved by affidavit.

Much will be written about “common lawyering” in our new USA … stay tuned … know for now that making claims and obtaining remedies will be much easier and cheaper!

Will ‘Attorneys’ continue to ‘practice’ in our new USA Courts?

No. American Attorneys will renounce their ‘BAR Cards’ (their membership in the ‘British Accreditation Registry’), become “USA Citizens” like everyone else (process under construction), and register their expertise at TPB (process under construction).

Then, licensed “USA Attorneys” (or other adopted title for these experts) will represent large companies in their corporate, commercial, international and other business matters. And licensed “Common Lawyers” will represent USA Citizens in their individual, family, business and other personal matters.

“USA Attorneys” will no longer ‘practice’ law, ‘presume’ anything or proceed under ‘color’ of law like they currently do under the NWO’s ‘legal system,’ and will instead be sworn to uphold our new USA and State Constitutions and provide the due process promised under our American Common Law.

What’s wrong with the ‘legal system’?

The unnecessarily gigantic ‘legal system’—with its militarized law enforcement, communistic prosecutors and judges, and incarceration industry—was created by the NWO’s “Deep State traitors” (mainly members of the ‘BAR’) to facilitate the NWO’s “case fixing,” “governmental racketeering,” money laundering and other means to steal from us, to destroy the American family and our ‘American Dream’ and America itself, and in preparation for their takeover of our USA.

Via their ‘legal system,’ the NWO has stolen hundreds-of-trillions of dollars from us.

The ‘legal system’ is unbelievably and irretrievably corrupt.

And therefore, the ‘legal system’ must go if WTP-USA want to save America.

What will happen to the ‘legal system’?

Most of the ‘legal system’—with its hundreds-of-thousands of unconstitutional ‘laws,’ ‘rules,’ ‘regulations,’ ‘incentives,’ ‘mandates,’ ‘subsidies’ and such, including but not limited to the entirety of ‘family law,’ ‘probate law,’ ‘administrative law’ and other bodies of ‘law’ being abused under ‘color’ thereof—will be abolished.

Will self-representation be hard under our new system?

No. Representing yourself and your loved ones will be easy, encouraged, accommodated and affordable under our new system.

However, like anything worthwhile in life, no one should pursue a ‘legal’ or “lawful” remedy or outcome that will affect their rights or families or assets without some research and a good base of knowledge about the ‘controlling law’ of their case, and everyone has a responsibility to be prepared and to present their claims in an efficient manner.

As far as everyday self-representation—such as authorizing a lease agreement or opening a bank account—basic knowledge and understanding of law and rights and responsibilities will suffice in most situations.

No American will ever again be hoodwinked to answer as a ‘respondent’ to a made up claim by the Deep State’s “governmental racketeers,” as a USA Grand Jury will quickly spring to action on any such claim and/or on any counterclaim by a victim of injustice.

And all injured Americans—regardless of race, sex, creed, know-how, financial standing, et cetera—will receive justice without delay!

What can I do?

Buy the 1st Draft of our proposed USA Constitution and get behind THE PEOPLE’S BRANCH in every way you can as announced on TPB’s website (soon).

Start by spreading the word. Tell your loved ones, neighbors and friends. Learn the truth about the ‘New World Order’ and its ‘Deep State,’ about limited government and self-governance, about our refound freedoms, and so on, and teach others.

Share our links and upcoming content, memes, public service announcements, press releases, and other coming publications.

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Thank You For Your Support!

God Bless Our New USA!