More than a “Plandemic“
A Bio-Weapon Attack upon the World
Via THE PEOPLE’S BRANCH, WE THE PEOPLE will bring our enemies, both foreign and domestic, to justice under our new “USA Constitution” … Check it out …
The ‘New World Order‘ and its “Deep State Traitors” who planned and carried out the ‘COVID-19’ virus and vaccine bio-attacks upon our USA Nation will soon see the expanded definition of treason in our new USA Constitution:
Article VII. The Judicial Branch
Section I. Treason against the USA shall consist:
1. of levying war against the USA—physically, digitally, biologically, psychologically, or by any other means; or
2. in conspiring with or aiding our enemies, foreign or domestic, in any act of war, invasion, attack, insurrection, coup, riot or other public danger anywhere in the USA; or
3. in conspiring with or aiding our enemies, foreign or domestic, in any act or attempt to rig an election, influence legislation, fix justice, unlawfully spy on WTP-USA, or commit any other treasonous breach of the public trust anywhere in the USA.
Treasonous suspects, foreign and domestic, shall be tried in USA Courts. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the sworn testimony of two witnesses to the same overt or covert act, or on confession in open court. The punishment of treason shall be life in prison or execution by method approved by the Board of National Trustees, as decided by each State. The punishment of misprision of treason shall be as defined and approved by each Board of State Trustees.
[emphasis added]
WTP-USA must wake up to the fact that we are under biological attack by the NWO, not only with their pre-planned, ‘gain-of-function,’ lab-made viruses, but also with their pre-patented, pre-planned, pre-made, untested, purposely unsafe, nanotechnology-carrying, experimental vaccines.
The NWO seeks to depopulate us, not care for us!
So what do we do? WTP-USA can start by taking back our freedoms, especially our health freedoms, and setting them in stone in our “Bill of Fundamental Rights” in our USA Constitution:
Article I. Our “USA Constitution”
Section H. This USA Constitution additionally reestablishes the declaratory and restrictive provisions of our former ‘Bill of Rights’—the first ten Amendments** to our original Constitution—as essential to the freedoms promised to WTP-USA, which restrict the powers conferred herein to our new government, which shall be known and cited henceforth as our “Bill of Fundamental Rights,” and which are separated and enhanced as follows:
1. Freedom from deprivation of unalienable rights—No human being in the USA, including the unborn, whether or not one of WTP-USA, shall be deprived of life, liberty, property or any other unalienable right endowed by our Creator, without due process of law;
2. Freedom of life path—No law shall be made, nor action taken, infringing upon the freedom to choose one’s life path, place, calling, work, health, and other values;
7. Right to privacy—The right to privacy shall not be violated in any way, including but not limited to undue and unlawful surveillance, metadata gathering, data mining and selling, interoffice sharing of private data and all other invasions of privacy;
8. Parental rights—No law shall be made, nor action taken, abridging the rights and liberties of parents to righteously direct the upbringing, education, healthcare and discipline of their children; nor shall parental rights be diminished or terminated without just cause;
10. Right to self-governance—No law shall be made, nor action taken, abridging the right of WTP-USA to righteously govern ourselves, our dependents and our families, at all times, in all circumstances, without governmental intrusion;
* Our ‘Bill of [10] Rights’ will no longer be Amendments. Our “Bill of [20] Fundamental Rights” will be written into our new “USA Constitution.”
WTP-USA will not only take back our freedoms under our new USA Constitution, but also full control of our public health services and government from the NWO’s Deep State (“USInc“):
Article XIV. Dissolutions, Declarations & Redress
Section A. The former ‘federal’ government is dissolved in its entirety. The Board of National Trustees shall expeditiously determine which ‘federal’ functions, services, offices and positions are lawful under this USA Constitution, reject or adopt the same, and prospectively establish constitutionally-compliant governmental functions, services, offices and positions which serve our national interests. Each Board of State Trustees shall do likewise for their States.
Section B. All federally usurped, invented or unneeded governmental powers, authorities, functions and services shall be returned to WTP-USA to govern as they wish and all corresponding offices and positions shall be dissolved in whole or part, including but not limited to:
1. The majority of the US Department of Health and Human Services;
2. The majority of the Department of Homeland Security;
3. The Federal Emergency Management Agency;
4. The US Department of Education;
5. The US Department of Agriculture;
Section E. WTP-USA declare and denounce the following to be treasonous, anti-American organizations, both foreign and domestic, and direct our USA Government to take whatever action necessary to terminate contracts, cut off funding, sue for damages, seize assets in the USA, and institute sufficient Grand Juries and Nuremberg-like trials to bring to justice the suspected traitors employed by:
1. The United Nations, British Crown, Vatican and all other ‘New World Order’ entities;
2. The United States, Inc., the corporate ‘Congress’ and all other ‘Deep State’ entities;
3. The Central Intelligence Agency;
4. The Council on Foreign Relations;
5. The American Bar Association;
Section F. WTP-USA declare the following actions unconstitutional and therefore prohibited: governing for profit; policing for profit; judicial activism; governmental racketeering; ‘churning’ court cases; ‘sue and settle’; civil asset forfeiture; random checkpoints; warrantless wiretapping; unlawful surveillance; provocateuring; unfair plea deals and coercion tactics; censorship; most subsidies, incentives, mandates and other means of federalizing anti-American agendas; usurpation; ‘no-bid’ contracting; nepotism; bailouts; psychological operations; mind control; dissemination of ‘fake news’ and propaganda; ‘chem-trails,’ weather modification and other forms of geo-engineering; genetically-modifying foods, fluoridation and irradiation of our water supplies and other forms of genetic-engineering; and all other forms of oppression and tyranny.
See what else is in our pending:
Public Health Reset
Dear American People:
It’s time to stop listening to ‘public health’ directives by the ‘federal’ government, which was taken over decades ago by the ‘New World Order‘ (our foreign enemies) and its ‘Deep State‘ in the USA (our domestic enemies).
Via its American Deep State, the NWO infiltrated and captured our Department of Health & Human Services (‘DHHS’), ‘CDC,’ ‘FDA,’ ‘NIH’ and all other public health agencies.
The NWO does not care about our health. They want to get rid of us. We are ‘useless eaters’ to them. They are murdering us. Sixty million Americans have been murdered in the womb; millions more in their wars; 300 million will be murdered if we do not wise up and rise up. They’ve been duping our food, water and air supplies for decades. Their ‘vaccines’ are poisons. The past, present and future shortages are intentional and will lead to famine and mass-starvation. Their real goal is depopulation.
Our nation is under siege by the NWO’s ‘globalists’—Klaus Schwab, Yuval Noah Harari, George Soros and many others—who seek to depopulate, conquer and consolidate all countries—including ours—into their global government, and enslave all humanity—including us—under their totalitarian control.
William Henry Gates III, Anthony Stephen Fauci, Francis Sellers Collins and many other “Deep State traitors” knowingly aided the NWO in their bio-attacks on America, and, as all can see, are proceeding as if they’ve done no wrong.
And Barack Hussein Obama and Joseph R. Biden Jr. and the majority of their Administrations are also traitors to America, and—in conspiracy with each other, with 1000s of other Deep State traitors, and with the NWO’s mass-murderers—aided, and are still aiding, in the destruction of our USA.
The Truth about ‘COVID-19’:
There is already enormous unrebuttable evidence to prove each statement in the previous section.
Americans (and all Nations) should also know the following irrefutable facts:
1. The ‘COVID-19 pandemic’ is a “plandemic”;
2. The ‘COVID-19 viruses’ and ‘variants’ are manmade;
3. The ‘COVID-19 vaccines’ are not true vaccines;
4. The ‘COVID-19 viruses’ and ‘variants’ are biological attacks upon the world, especially wicked and deadly in the USA due to our willingness to trust our leaders;
5. The ‘COVID-19 vaccines’ are also biological attacks upon the world, especially wicked and deadly in the USA due to our willingness to trust our leaders;
6. The global lockdowns, mask and vaccine mandates, supply-chain disruptions and sabotage, fear and hysteria are parts of a planned, coordinated and ongoing ‘psy-op’ (psychological operation) to cause worldwide civil unrest, economic disaster, famine, disease and other means of mass-depopulation, and to condition survivors to their ‘new normal’ under the NWO’s totalitarian control; and
7. WTP-USA are still under attack, we are in imminent danger of even more serious bio-attacks if we do not stop the bio-attackers, we need to stop listening to the false ‘official’ narratives of the murderers who seek to continue the crisis for profit, and we need to start listening to the real Doctors and Patriots who are stepping up to end it and treat its victims (see below).
In order for you to be rightly informed in the basics of any important health matter—so that you can give informed consent—you need the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
But no one received the truth in the ‘COVID-19’ crisis. Our leaders lied to us about everything from the start. And they will continue to lie to us as long as we submit to their treason.
Under both our old ‘US’ Constitution and our new USA Constitution, Big Pharma, Big Tech, Big Media, and all other treasonous organizations receiving laundered money from the NWO’s Big Deep State Government, lost whatever immunity they may have had if they’d told the truth.
Although there is zero chance of bringing the traitors to justice under the usurped ‘US’ Constitution, WTP-USA will have complete success under our new USA Constitution.
Our coming USA Public Health Service:
As WTP-USA await the ratification of our new USA Constitution, the establishment of THE PEOPLE’S BRANCH thereunder, and the set up of TPB Offices, including our new USA Public Health Service, we—the “Founding Patriots” of our new USA (“USA-FPs“)—will, as soon as time and talent and funds allow:
1. Round up real Doctors, willing to treat and otherwise ‘help the sick’ and ‘do no harm’;
2. Roll out real Public Health strategies to deal with the aftermath of the bio-attacks;
3. Dispense real Public Health announcements to keep WTP-USA informed;
4. Coordinate relief and remedies for victims of the bio-attacks, victims of the hospital murders, victims of the denials of Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin and other treatments, and other victims of other treachery;
5. Coordinate mass-whistleblowing and bring the bio-attackers to justice;
6. Set up and implement initial USA Public Health programs;
7. And so on until TPB is staffed and takes over.
Stay tuned …
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Here’s what’s in store for the bio-attackers:
The NWO may be able to escape prosecution and liability in all other countries they attacked around the world, but if WE THE PEOPLE of our new United States of America unite in support of our new USA Constitution, we can and will hold them both culpable for their crimes (see The People’s Grand Juries page) and liable for damages:
Mock Suit #3 vs. NWO, CDC, FDA, Gates, Fauci, et al.
Sample (“Mock”) Suit No. 3
WE THE PEOPLE of the United States of America,
William Henry Gates III, Anthony Stephen Fauci, Francis Sellers Collins, Ralph Baric, Shi Zhengli, Peter Daszak, et al., as discovered,
WE THE PEOPLE of the United States of America (“WTP-USA”) sue the ‘NEW WORLD ORDER’ (“NWO,” as discovered in Suit #1), its ‘CDC,’ ‘FDA,’ and other agencies of its incorporated ‘UNITED STATES’ (“USInc”), and the individual Defendants and all co-conspirators (to be discovered), for Two-Hundred-Trillion-Dollars* ($200,000,000,000,000*) in money damages caused, and to be caused, as direct and proximate results of the Defendants’ coordinated bio-weapon attack—known as the ‘Wuhan Virus,’ ‘Coronavirus,’ and ‘COVID-19’—upon victims in the USA; and
[*This is a preliminary estimate and will be prospectively adjusted.]
Pursuant to our USA Constitution (2022), WTP-USA shall take whatever action necessary to lien and/or seize as collateral the facilities of the ‘CDC,’ ‘FDA,’ and all other NWO assets in the USA used in the bio-attack pending the outcome of this action; and
WTP-USA shall give one-hundred-percent (100%) of the proceeds of this Suit to our “USA TRUST” for distribution to the bio-attack victims in the USA; and
WTP-USA state our facts in our subsequent AFFIDAVITS OF INJURY …
Sample (“Mock”) AOI No. 1
WE THE PEOPLE of the United States of America,
William Henry Gates III, Anthony Stephen Fauci, Francis Sellers Collins, Ralph Baric, Shi Zhengli, Peter Daszak, et al., as discovered,
in support of MOCK SUIT #3
WE THE PEOPLE of the United States of America (“WTP-USA”) allege and prove herein—in support of our SUIT against the above-named Defendants—that:
1. WTP-USA are a nation of 333 million people, who have been injured by the Defendants in varying degrees, which will be alleged and proven in individual Affidavits of Injury by the bio-attack victims during this action.
2. The ‘NEW WORLD ORDER’ (“NWO”), as identified in Suit #1, conspired and masterminded the bio-attack and the resulting worldwide pandemic and genocide, as parts of their overall plan to depopulate and takeover all countries on earth, including the USA, and consolidate them into a global government under their totalitarian control.
3. The ‘CENTERS FOR DISEASE CONTROL’ (CDC), ‘FOOD & DRUG ADMINISTRATION’ (FDA), and other NWO agencies of its incorporated ‘UNITED STATES’ (“USInc,” the NWO’s ‘Deep State’ in the USA), as discovered, facilitated the NWO’s bio-attack and planned aftermath in the USA.
4. William Henry Gates III, Anthony Stephen Fauci, Francis Sellers Collins, Ralph Baric, Shi Zhengli, Peter Daszak, et al., as discovered, carried out the NWO’s bio-attack and planned aftermath in the USA. …
… more “Mock Docs” …
Are You a Victim?
Witness? Whistleblower?
SOON, you will be able to take action via THE PEOPLE’S BRANCH!
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How? Just start spreading the word about our new “USA Constitution,” which will formally establish THE PEOPLE’S BRANCH when it becomes the “Law of our Land“!
Get the 1st draft for yourself right now:
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Live free,
~ USA Founding Patriots
… TPB will STOP Election Rigging too …