& Victims!
Do you know that you will be protected and rewarded under our new “USA Constitution“? Check it out …
Most of us “Founding Patriots” are also Whistleblowers & Victims of the ‘New World Order‘ and its ‘Deep State,’ so here are a few provisions in our new USA Constitution written just for us:
Article XII. Government Functions, Services & Special Programs
Section C. Whistleblowing and innovation shall be rewarded: Government officials and WTP-USA shall receive commensurately appropriate rewards, determined by the Board of National Trustees, for whistleblowing on governmental corruption and waste, for innovating new cost-saving processes, and for any effort which substantially benefits WTP-USA.
Section G. Redress and remedy: THE PEOPLE’S BRANCH shall ensure prompt redress and remedies for all governmentally-caused grievances and injuries, and shall process all common law and criminal claims against government by WTP-USA which shall start by affidavit and if unresolved shall proceed to a Court of Record trial by jury and/or Grand Jury.
Section I. Withdrawing consent and recalling officials: The Board of National Trustees shall develop programs and procedures whereby sufficient numbers of WTP-USA may jurisdictionally withdraw consent from existing and new governmental functions, services, offices and positions, and recall government officials for bad behavior.
Section K. Local, state and national law enforcement: All local, state and national law enforcement shall be demilitarized, digitally modernized and retrained to ‘protect and serve’ WTP-USA. “USA Prosecutors” shall replace ‘US Attorneys’ and all plea deals shall cease.
Article XIV. Dissolutions, Declarations & Redress
Section H. WTP-USA declare that all who were presumed to be ‘US Citizens’ for profit are forever released from obligation and are, when qualified and verified, “USA Citizens” and Citizens of the State in which they were born or naturalized, and direct our USA Government to take whatever action necessary to terminate contracts, cut off funding, sue for damages, seize assets in the USA, and institute sufficient Courts of Record and trials by jury to fairly compensate all USA victims of said injustice and to bring to justice all who unlawfully profited from said presumption.
Section I. WTP-USA declare that, because so many present and past government officials have hoodwinked WTP-USA for profit under ‘color’ of civil law and procedure in the ‘legal system,’ the following actions are necessitated:
1. All present and past (since 1970) civil rights matters, family law matters, juvenile matters, child dependency and neglect matters, probate matters, and all other matters affecting WTP-USA shall be transferred to THE PEOPLE’S BRANCH common law Courts of Record system, where present cases shall advance and past cases shall be examined for judicial misconduct on a first-come-first-served basis on the requests of alleged victims of injustice;
2. Starting with suffering families with minor children, all victims of injustice being oppressed or otherwise abused under ‘color’ of law shall be afforded full recourse by the appropriate offices, by a Grand Jury, and by a Court of Record; and all attorneys, judges and other officials found to be involved in said injustices shall be held fully liable for damages and fully culpable and accountable for their crimes;
3. All present and past (since 1970) criminal cases by or against WTP-USA shall be transferred to THE PEOPLE’S BRANCH common law Grand Jury system, where present cases shall advance and past cases shall be examined for prosecutorial misconduct on a first-come-first-served basis on the requests of alleged victims of injustice;
4. Starting with those presently incarcerated, all victims of injustice found to be innocent or to have been overcharged, over-sentenced and/or over-incarcerated, shall be afforded full recourse by the appropriate offices, by a Grand Jury, and by a Court of Record; and all prosecutors, judges and other officials found to be involved in said injustices shall be held fully liable for damages and fully culpable and accountable for their crimes; and
5. All victims of the ‘income tax’ scam, the ‘driver’s license’ scam, ‘policing for profit,’ ‘case fixing’ and any other type of ‘governmental racketeering’ or ‘governing for profit’ shall, pending success in WTP-USA’s suits against the ‘New World Order’ and its ‘Deep State’ in the USA, be reasonably compensated; and all officials found to be involved in said injustices shall be held fully liable for damages and fully culpable and accountable for their crimes.
And millions of other Victims & Whistleblowers will surface when they see these provisions in our new USA Constitution:
Article XIV. Dissolutions, Declarations & Redress
Section A. The former ‘federal’ government is dissolved in its entirety. The Board of National Trustees shall expeditiously determine which ‘federal’ functions, services, offices and positions are lawful under this USA Constitution, reject or adopt the same, and prospectively establish constitutionally-compliant governmental functions, services, offices and positions which serve our national interests. Each Board of State Trustees shall do likewise for their States.
Section B. All federally usurped, invented or unneeded governmental powers, authorities, functions and services shall be returned to WTP-USA to govern as they wish and all corresponding offices and positions shall be dissolved in whole or part, including but not limited to:
1. The majority of the US Department of Health and Human Services;
2. The majority of the Department of Homeland Security;
3. The Federal Emergency Management Agency;
4. The US Department of Education;
5. The US Department of Agriculture;
6. The US Department of the Interior;
7. The US Department of State;
8. The Bureau of Land Management;
9. … [under construction] …
Section C. All acts by the former incorporated ‘Congress’ which followed ‘false flag’ events or were unduly or fraudulently passed to issue in an anti-American agenda shall be repealed in whole or part, including but not limited to:
1. The Patriot Act;
2. The National Defense Authorization Act;
3. The Affordable Care Act—’Obamacare’;
4. ‘Common Core’ and other means of ‘dumbing-down’ children;
5. All infringements upon our “Bill of Fundamental Rights”;
6. … [under construction] …
Section D. All usurpations and overreaches by the United States Supreme Court, and moot issues hereunder, shall be abolished, including but not limited to:
1. Roe v. Wade—which unconstitutionally made law, ushering in so-called ‘abortion rights’;
2. Windsor v. United States—which unconstitutionally created a marriage class;
3. Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission—which facilitated buying elections;
4. Marbury v. Madison—which unconstitutionally made law, ushering in ‘judicial review’;
5. Engel v. Vitale—which is still misconstrued to be a ban on prayer in public schools;
6. … [under construction] …
Section E. WTP-USA declare and denounce the following to be treasonous, anti-American organizations, both foreign and domestic, and direct our USA Government to take whatever action necessary to terminate contracts, cut off funding, sue for damages, seize assets in the USA, and institute sufficient Grand Juries and Nuremberg-like trials to bring to justice the suspected traitors employed by:
1. The United Nations, British Crown, Vatican and all other ‘New World Order’ entities;
2. The United States, Inc., the incorporated ‘Congress’ and all other ‘Deep State’ entities;
3. The Central Intelligence Agency;
4. The Council on Foreign Relations;
5. The American Bar Association;
6. Southern Poverty Law Center;
7. American Civil Liberties Union;
8. Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Inc.;
9. The Clinton Foundation, Gates Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation, and other treasonous foundations to be discovered;
10. Open Society Foundation, Black Lives Matter, Antifa and all George Soros’ entities;
11. The Deep State’s operatives, paramilitary provocateurs and agitators, and other domestic enemies to be discovered;
12. Marxists, fascists, communists, violently-radical socialists and ‘progressives,’ and other domestic enemies to be discovered;
13. Alphabet, Google, YouTube, Apple, Facebook, Twitter, and other incorporated enemies to be discovered;
14. CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, FOX, BBC America, and other disseminators of fake news, disinformation, propaganda and other support to our foreign and domestic enemies to be discovered;
15. … [under construction] …
Section F. WTP-USA declare the following actions unconstitutional and therefore prohibited: governing for profit; policing for profit; judicial activism; governmental racketeering; ‘churning’ court cases; ‘sue and settle’; civil asset forfeiture; random checkpoints; warrantless wiretapping; unlawful surveillance; provocateuring; unfair plea deals and coercion tactics; censorship; most subsidies, incentives, mandates and other means of federalizing anti-American agendas; usurpation; ‘no-bid’ contracting; nepotism; bailouts; psychological operations; mind control; dissemination of ‘fake news’ and propaganda; ‘chem-trails,’ weather modification and other forms of geo-engineering; genetically-modifying foods, fluoridation and irradiation of our water supplies and other forms of genetic-engineering; and all other forms of oppression and tyranny.
Section G. WTP-USA declare that if any USA Citizen elected or appointed to public office in the USA shall accept, claim, receive, or retain any foreign title of nobility or honor, or shall accept and retain any present, pension, office, or emolument of any kind whatever from any emperor, king, prince, or foreign power, such Citizen shall be arrested and appropriately charged, if convicted shall be forever banned from holding public office in the USA, and following any prison term shall face possible expulsion from the USA as determined by WTP-USA.
USA Justice Reset
Dear American People:
As you know, or may at least suspect, or should know, the wicked have risen to the top of our ‘government.’
The ‘New World Order’ has infiltrated its ‘Deep State’ communists into most of our local, state and ‘federal’ governments to carry out its evil plans for our USA.
The centuries of incremental treason in ‘Washington DC’—which will be taken back and renamed “USA Square” under our new USA Constitution—is now obvious, in our faces, and out-of-control.
But you may not know of the treason taking place in your states, counties and local communities, where:
1. ‘Judges’ are churning and “fixing” family law cases, probate cases and other matters, for local profit, and some for huge bucks from the NWO to break apart American families as one way to weaken our society;
2. ‘Child Protective Services’ (‘CPS’) officials and case workers are kidnapping children from fit parents for the foster care money, for adoption money, and for kickbacks from the NWO’s child and sex traffickers;
3. Local law enforcement officials and officers are arresting the innocent, manufacturing evidence, and ‘policing-for-profit’ in many other ways for the NWO;
4. District Attorneys, County Attorneys, City Attorneys and other government attorneys are ignoring Antifa and BLM terror, letting suspects out of jail, framing dissidents on false charges, politically imprisoning whistleblowers, and many other things to aid our foreign and domestic enemies;
5. Governors are aiding the NWO in its ‘COVID-19’ bio-attacks, border invasion and other elements of its United Nations ‘Agenda 21’ and ‘Agenda 30’;
6. Secretaries of State are aiding the NWO in its election rigging;
7. County Commissioners are aiding the NWO in their “governmental racketeering”;
8. Mayors are aiding the NWO by signing on to their ‘Strong Cities Network” and otherwise positioning local communities for UN takeover;
9. School Boards are aiding in the takeover by facilitating the NWO’s LGBTQA+ ‘Community’ in their indoctrination of our children in our public schools;
10. Hospital officials and staff are aiding the NWO in their mass-murder under the guise of the ‘COVID-19 pandemic’ and aiding the NWO’s ‘Congress’ in their money laundering and theft of public funds by incentivizing hospitals to fraudulently test and tag patients as Covid-positive to maximize their funding;
11. Attorneys General are aiding the NWO by knowingly looking the other way while they attack us;
12. And the list goes on and on …
If you’re learning the foregoing for the first time, you’re likely shocked, disgusted and maybe even skeptical; but realize that “fixing” court cases, padding numbers for extra funding, and dumbing down American children are just the precursors to the main event—the NWO’s overthrow of our USA—which is taking place RIGHT NOW!
The NWO’s endgame is to conquer and consolidate all countries—including ours—into their global government, and enslave all humanity—including us—under their totalitarian control.
The NWO’s incremental treason was just the set up. But NOW, the NWO seeks to finish us off—to destroy our USA, to depopulate us, and to enslave the remnant of our USA Nation to serve them.
WE THE PEOPLE are under attack!
The NWO is sticking it to us on our own soil!
So what are WE THE PEOPLE of our new United States of America (“WTP-USA“) going to do about it?
WTP-USA will overthrow the overthrowers with pen and paper!
It’s time to set aside all fear and rise up America! It’s 330 million of us against a few hundred Deep State traitors. The NWO’s ‘globalists’ won’t dare step foot in our USA once a few hundred of us announce our intentions to expose them, bring them to justice and purge their evil from our midst.
SOON, all law enforcement, human services, the postal service and all other government offices and services for “WE THE PEOPLE” will be transferred to TPB. So, step forward Victims of and Whistleblowers at the FBI, DOJ, CIA, DHHS, CDC, FDA, USPS …
SOON, all unlawful or unwarranted immunity will be abolished. So, step forward Victims of and Whistleblowers at Big Pharma, Big Tech, ‘MSM,’ ‘Social’ Media …
SOON, all traitors and those who cover up or ignore treason under ‘color of law’ will be arrested. So, step forward Victims of and Whistleblowers in ‘Congress’ and elsewhere in the NWO’s ‘federal’ government and in its ‘STATE OF _____,’ ‘COUNTY OF _____’ and ‘CITY OF _____’ franchises …
Expose the wicked and their wickedness. And, together, let’s take them and it down for our children and all future generations of USA Citizens!
Our coming USA Whistleblower & Victim Advocacy:
As WTP-USA await the ratification of our new USA Constitution, the establishment of THE PEOPLE’S BRANCH thereunder, and the set up of TPB Offices, we—the “Founding Patriots” of our new USA (“USA-FPs“)—will, as soon as time and talent and funds allow, set up a volunteer advocacy network for whistleblowers and victims:
1. To coordinate mass-whistleblowing;
2. To coordinate redress for millions of victims;
3. To innovate, implement and coordinate the expatriation of 333 million Americans from the NWO’s ‘US Citizen’ slavery system (& ‘income taxes’), and simultaneous repatriation into our new “USA Citizen” freedom system;
4. To jumpstart THE PEOPLE’S BRANCH and its USA Courts, USA Grand Juries, USA Justice System, USA Law Enforcement, USA Jails & Prisons, and so on;
5. To hold the bio-attackers, election and legislation riggers, hoaxers, spies, “case fixers,” “governmental racketeers,” child abusers, and other traitors culpable for their crimes and liable for damages;
6. To educate USA Citizens in self-governance and in making the most of our newfound freedoms;
7. And so on until TPB is staffed and takes over.
With authority under our USA Constitution and protection from THE PEOPLE’S BRANCH, can you see what’s about to happen?
Soon, Victims and Whistleblowers will simply log into our TPB accounts—set up when we opt out of the ‘matrix’ and reestablish our birthrights and sovereignty—and type and print out “Affidavits of Injury” and, at the same time, digitally blow-the-whistle on who did what directly to our local law enforcement and grand jury!
And, instead of being completely ignored or stereotyped, censored, blacklisted and otherwise backlashed, we will be protected from further harm, assisted in due process, and rewarded!
Another coming TPB Program:
Another program to look forward to is TPB‘s comprehensive investigations, official reports and official actions on:
1. The WACO Massacre;
2. The Oklahoma City Bombing (Murrah Federal Building);
3. 9/11 & the ‘War on Terror’;
4. The 2007 Market Crash and Banker Bailouts;
5. The 2016 & 2020 Presidential Election Rigging;
6. Hillary Clinton’s ‘Pay-to-Play’ Scheme;
7. The ‘Russian Collusion’ Hoax & ‘Spygate’;
8. The January 6th (2021) ‘Insurrection’ Hoax;
9. The ‘COVID-19’ ‘virus,’ ‘variant’ and ‘vaccine’ Bio-attacks;
10. The 2014 overthrow of Ukraine, the Ukraine Bio-labs and the Russia/Ukraine War;
11. And much more …
All this and much more will result from our pending USA Constitution if you get behind it and THE PEOPLE’S BRANCH!
Stay tuned …
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Here’s what’s in store for the traitors who conspired and staged the 01/06/21 ‘insurrection’ hoax:
Hang tough, Victims of the ‘Insurrection’ hoax on January 6, 2021.
As you likely know, the DOJ, FBI and most other ‘US’ federal ‘government’ offices have been taken over by the NWO and its Deep State.
However, unfortunately for them, millions of Americans are now awake to their treason, and soon, patriotic federal employees—when they realize that they will work at TPB—will secretly band together and get ready to help us bring the traitors to justice!
Here’s a sneak peek at what’s ahead for our totally rogue and out-of-control Department of ‘Justice’ and “Foreign” Bureau of Investigation:
Mock Subpoena #1: to Garland, Wray & Epps
USA Square (formerly Wash. DC)
For: The People of the United States of America (“WTP-USA“)
To: Former US Department of Justice Attorney General Merrick Garland
To: Former US Federal Bureau of Investigation Director Christopher Wray
To: Former US-FBI Informant & “Provocateur” James Ray Epps
WE THE TRUSTEES of THE PEOPLE’S BRANCH issue SUBPOENAS to the above-named Recipients and COMMAND as follows:
WHEREAS, according to the former ‘US’ House of Representatives ‘Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the US Capitol’ (now the USA Capitol), none of you Recipients of this Subpoena, nor anyone in your employment, nor any subcontracted informants, nor anyone else that you know of, had any foreknowledge of what the Committee called an ‘attack,’ ‘siege’ and ‘insurrection’ upon the ‘US’ Capitol Building that day;
WHEREAS, according to your testimony then and since, none of you, nor anyone else that you know of, had any foreknowledge or involvement in said insurrection;
WHEREAS, according to numerous eye witness accounts and numerous affidavits by WTP-USA in their and our investigations, each of you, and many others that you know of, not only had foreknowledge and involvement in said insurrection, but also in one or more previous ‘false flag’ events.
WHEREFORE, WE THE NATIONAL TRUSTEES of THE PEOPLE’S BRANCH issue SUBPOENAS to the above-named Recipients and COMMAND as follows:
EACH OF YOU shall, within 48-hours of your receipt of this Subpoena, produce documents and other evidence (per attached) and arrange with your Local TPB Trustee to appear for deposition and testify in USA Square before the National Board of Trustees on the whole matter-at-hand and previous matters, if any (plan your trip to USA Square for the entire week of your deposition).
SUBPOENAED & COMMANDED this ___ Day of ______________, 2022.
~ Sample (“MOCK”) SUBPOENA ~
Mock Subpoena #2: to Garland & Nestler
USA Square (formerly Wash. DC)
For: The People of the United States of America (“WTP-USA“)
To: Former US Department of Justice Attorney General Merrick Garland
To: Former Assistant US Attorney / Major Crimes Chief Jeffrey Nestler
WE THE TRUSTEES of THE PEOPLE’S BRANCH issue SUBPOENAS to the above-named Recipients and COMMAND as follows:
WHEREAS, in spite their knowledge that numerous FBI Officials and Informants planned, staged, and provocateured the ‘insurrection’ hoax at the ‘US’ Capitol on January 6, 2021, former ‘US’ Attorney General Merrick Garland, former Assistant ‘US’ Attorney Jeffrey Nestler, and other disgraced ‘federal’ prosecutors, continued, at great public expense, to prosecute hundreds of peaceful American patriots and coerce their signatures on very-unfair ‘plea deals’ in what now appears to be just another ‘false flag’ event by the ‘Deep State’ for their ‘New World Order’ to aid in their attempted overthrow of the USA and to fool WTP-USA for political reasons;
WHEREAS, the National Board wishes to also get to the bottom of Garland’s involvement in the 1995 Oklahoma City Bombing, the Branch Dividian Massacre in Waco, 9/11, and all other involvement in major events during his federal employment.
WHEREFORE, WE THE NATIONAL TRUSTEES of THE PEOPLE’S BRANCH issue SUBPOENAS to the above-named Recipients and COMMAND as follows:
MERRICK GARLAND shall testify to the foregoing following his deposition outlined in Subpoena #1; and
JEFFREY NESTLER shall, within 48-hours of your receipt of this Subpoena, produce documents and other evidence (per attached) and arrange with your Local TPB Trustee to appear for deposition and testify in USA Square before the National Board of Trustees on the whole matter-at-hand and other matters, if any (plan your trip to USA Square for at least 3-days during the week of Garland’s deposition).
SUBPOENAED & COMMANDED this ___ Day of ______________, 2022.
~ Sample (“MOCK”) SUBPOENA ~
Mock Indictment #2 vs. Jan.6 ‘Insurrection’ Riggers
Sample (“Mock”) Indictment No. 2
WE THE PEOPLE of the United States of America,
Merrick Brian Garland, Christopher Asher Wray, Jeffrey Nestler, et al.,
of the USA National Grand Jury
USA Square (formerly Washington DC)
COUNT 1: PRINCIPALS—18 United States Code § 2381
COUNT 2: TREASON—18 U.S.C. § 2381
COUNT 4: RACKETEERING (‘RICO’)—18 U.S.C. §§ 1961-68
COUNT 10-__: AS FOUND during National Grand Jury investigation.
WE THE NATIONAL GRAND JURY find that there is probable cause of each element of each count of each crime alleged above by one or more of the …
Mock Suit #11 vs. USInc & DOJ/FBI ‘Insurrection’ Riggers
Sample (“Mock”) Suit No. 11
WE THE PEOPLE of the United States of America,
Merrick Brian Garland, Christopher Asher Wray, Jeffrey Nestler, et al.,
WE THE PEOPLE of the United States of America (“WTP-USA”) sue the NWO’s1 “Deep State traitors” at the US DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE, FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION and other offices of the ‘UNITED STATES,’ INCORPORATED (“USInc,” the NWO’s ‘Deep State’ in the USA), and Merrick Brian Garland, Christopher Asher Wray, Jeffrey Nestler, and other traitors to be discovered, for Seven-Hundred-Billion-Dollars* ($700,000,000,000*) in money damages caused, and to be caused, to WTP-USA and 700± persecuted American patriots and their families, as direct and proximate results of Defendants’ political persecution following their provocateured 01-06-21 ‘insurrection’;
[*This is a preliminary estimate and will be prospectively adjusted. 1. The ‘NEW WORLD ORDER,’ as discovered in Suit #1.]
As specified in the attached NOTICE, WTP-USA seize as collateral all assets owned or controlled by the Defendants in the USA; and
WTP-USA grant one-hundred-percent (100%) of the proceeds of this action commensurately proportionate to the victimized families and our USA Trust; and
WTP-USA state our facts in our subsequent AFFIDAVITS OF INJURY …
Sample (“Mock”) AOI No. 1
WE THE PEOPLE of the United States of America,
Merrick Brian Garland, Christopher Asher Wray, Jeffrey Nestler, et al.,
in support of MOCK SUIT #11
WE THE PEOPLE of the United States of America (“WTP-USA”) allege and prove herein—in support of our SUIT against the above-named Defendants—that:
1. WTP-USA are a nation of 333 million people, who have been injured by the Defendants in varying degrees, which will be alleged and proven in subsequent Affidavits of Injury by experts, victims and whistleblowers.
2. The ‘NEW WORLD ORDER’ (“NWO”) is being identified and sued in Suit #1 for its treason against the USA, and is sued in Suit #9 for its 2020 election rigging.
3. As generally alleged and outlined herein and as alleged and proven in meticulous detail in subsequent Affidavits of Injury by experts, victims and whistleblowers, the NWO’s “Deep State traitors” at the US DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE, FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION and other offices of its ‘UNITED STATES,’ INCORPORATED (“USInc,” the NWO’s ‘Deep State’ in the USA), planned, staged, and provocateured the ‘insurrection’ hoax at the US Capitol on January 6, 2021.
4. And former United States Attorney General Merrick Brian Garland, former Assistant United States Attorney Jeffrey Nestler, former FBI Director Christopher Asher Wray, and other traitors to be discovered, orchestrated the wrongful arrests, false imprisonments and political persecution of hundreds of peaceful American patriots in their ‘insurrection’ hoax to obtain their signatures on very-unfair ‘plea deals’ designed to benefit the NWO in their takeover of the USA, as part of the NWO’s ‘Great Reset.’ …
… more “Mock Docs” …
Are You a Victim?
Witness? Whistleblower?
SOON, you will be able to take action via THE PEOPLE’S BRANCH!
Get behind
How? Just start spreading the word about our new “USA Constitution,” which will formally establish THE PEOPLE’S BRANCH when it becomes the “Law of our Land“!
Get the 1st draft for yourself right now:
Then tell your family, friends, neighbors about …
Thank You!
Live free,
~ USA Founding Patriots
Now OPT OUT of the NWO’s ‘matrix’!